Joan of Arc by Franck Craig INVITATION FROM FRENCH FOREIGN LEGION TO FIVE-YEAR OLD AMERICAN EMISSARY OBTAINED (EXCLUSIVE: Tharpe Press) ( link to column ) RECAP: After young Seraphim Goldenrod wrote Catherine, Princess of Wales, seeking her assistance in obtaining an apology from England for murdering Joan of Arc in 1431; the Legion offers Miss Goldenrod their own assistance. *** (English Version.) Mademoiselle Seraphim Goldenrod Care of: Mother Superior Our Lady of the Sawdust Sister Arminius Storm To: Your location in the field Ajudant Dominique Gagnon Specialist Language Interpreter 11th Parachute Brigade Balmain Toulouse Garrison Mademoiselle Goldenrod, I hope this missive finds you, Sister Storm, and your compatriots safe and secure in your present position. As a female legionnaire, the first in my unit, I was particularly inspired to make contact with you, ma petite fille courageuse. Madame Esprit de Lore, renowned authenticator of maps, apprised me of your noble intent to ask the Princess of Wales to convince King Charles III and the English Parliament to apologize for the execution of Jeanne d’Arc. Our appreciation to you in this worthy and honorable endeavor is such that we would be privileged to extend assistance and security to you when you visit Rouen, the site of La Pucelle’s martyrdom. Should you accept our offer, we’ll aim to provide you with trustworthy and dedicated safeguard in all movements related to your mission in Rouen. Again, please accept our sincere gratitude for your fortitude in this quest to correct the egregious historical wrong inflicted on our great national heroine. Warm regards, Dominique Gagnon
(Version Française.) Mademoiselle Seraphim Goldenrod Aux soins de: La Mère Supérieure Notre Dame de la Sciure Soeur Arminius Storm A votre emplacement sur le terrain Adjudant Dominique Gagnon Spécialiste Interprète Langues 11e Brigade de Parachutistes Garnison Balmain Toulouse Mademoiselle Goldenrod, J'espère que cette missive vous trouvera, Soeur Storm, ainsi que vos compatriotes, en sécurité dans votre position actuelle. En tant que femme legionnaire, premiere de mon unite, j’ai eu particulierement envie de prendre contact avec vous, ma petite fille courageuse. Madame Esprit de Lore, authentificateur des cartes renommé m’a informé de votre noble intention de demander à la princesse de Galles de convaincre le roi Charles III ou le Parlement anglais de s’excuser pour l'exécution de Jeanne d’Arc. Notre gratitude pour cette entreprise digne et honorable est telle que nous serons privilégiés pour vous apporter assistance et sécurité lorsque vous visiterez la ville de Rouen, lieu du martyr de la Pucelle. Si vous acceptez notre offre, nous nous efforcerons de fournir des services dignes de confiance et dévoués sauvegarde dans tous vos mouvements en rapport avec votre mission à Rouen. Encore une fois, veuillez accepter notre sincère gratitude pour votre courage dans cette quête de corriger le tort historique flagrant infligé à notre merveilleuse héroïne nationale. Cordialement, Dominique Gagnon *** (PREVIOUSLY) FUGITIVE ORPHANS OPEN NEW WEBSITE, ANNOUNCE THREE SHOWDOWNS: ORPHANS VS. HOLLYWOOD Now Casting First Original Script: LOS SIETE MAGNIFICOS ORPHANS VS. WASHINGTON D.C. Search Underway for Lifeboat Capital City of US: HEXODUS ORPHANS VS. UNITED NATIONS Orphans Unite Against Oxymoron in LA HAMPHITHEATRE Click for new website: www.ChannelEternity.com ******* THE STATION Sacred Heart McShane Producer CHANNEL ETERNITY ChannelEternity@gmail.com (telephone number on request) www.ChannelEternity.com ******* March separately, attack together. Napoleon ******* SCORECARD ******* BATTING CE 2024-004: FRENCH FOREIGN LEGION CONTACTS SERAPHIM GOLDENROD REGULAR SEASON CE 2024-003: HEXODUS OPENS * LIFEBOAT CAPITAL CITY OF U.S. CE 2024-002: CAST YOUR SPELL! CE 2024-001: PLOTS FIRED! CE 2023-002: HOLLYWOOD FEELS A DRAFT CE 2023-001: USA 250 LEADERBOARD USA250-BC5: MARQUETTE & JOLLIET * (250-1) USA250-BC12: BESSIE COLEMAN * (200-1) USA250-251E: THE VIRGINIAN * (600-1) CE2023-000: THE NEW SEVEN WONDERS OF THE WORLD CE2023-001: A GLIMPSE OF ETERNITY (#1) USA250-251W: REGGIE ON THE ROCK * (125-1) SPRING TRAINING CE-001: Plot Heard 'round the World TEAR-001: Massacre of the Prairie Innocents TEAR-002: The Dreadcoats are Coming! USA250-001: A Revolutionary Map to July 4, 2026 TEAR-003: Openly Catholic Orphans Troll FBI USA250-002: Select the 250 Greatest Americans USA250-003: Three Years, Three World Records USA250-004: Three World Records with Three Lines CE-002: Orphans Ask Angel for $360,000 CE-003: The MinuteMan & MinuteMa'am USA250-005: JIM THORPE; #1 USA250-006: AUDIE MURPHY; #1 USA250-007: MARQUETTE & JOLLIET; #1 USA250-008: PAUL REVERE; #1 USA250-009: IRISH CATHOLICS; #1 CE-23-001: THE FIRST OF SEVEN NEW WONDERS ******* Copyright MMXXIV Channel Eternity All Rights Reserved for Eternity *******